Sixteen Signs You Are Opening Your Throat Chakra (Vishudda)

Note: There are sixteen petals in the throat chakra and so we have sixteen signs.

1. You have the voice of the bard. When you speak, sing, or act what you present comes fully alive for others. Whatever feeling you put into your words others feel as well.

2. When you warn something they take your warning seriously. Not so when President Roosevelt told General MacArthur that Pearl Harbor had been bombed. He then told MacArthur not to leave his planes parked next to each other on the runways where the Japanese could easily attack them. MacArthur said he would take care of it but he did not do so and the Japanese wiped out his planes. But then again MacArthur was a hand full. Later on President Truman would have to relieve him of command for insubordination.

3. When you council someone or give advice, others hear you as if you are the voice speaking from the core of their own being. In the fairy tales, to know someone’s or something’s magic name is to control that being. With the magic name, the understanding of the inner essence of the other or the other’s “inner source of inspiration,” your words are more powerful than others’ thoughts.

4. If you need to, you can speak with the voice of Ghost of Christmas Future—as if you can take others and have them look back on their lives from beyond the grave, for near death experiences have always offered a special vantage point from which new insight can be gained.

5. You have multi-dimensional awareness and so can talk to spirits—both those who have departed and other beings and angels of the inner planes.

6. You have the voice of tough love. You have a judicial temperament, weighing evidence and intent; you are persuasive, just, and precise in negotiations with fair give and take.

7. It is not a voice so much as an intent and action. You can say to yourself when you need to—“I am out of here” or “I am not a part of this.” You can disengage from a situation, person, or the outer world when you need to. It is called shunting—though seemingly totally engaged in something, even compulsive and obsessed, you can reboot as you might when waking from a dream you did not like where you simply reimagine the dream as you want it to be.

8. Again, more an intent and an action. Stealth—you know how to take control and get results without anyone noticing what you are doing as in “The superior warrior wins without having to fight” or the element of surprise—“You do what others cannot imagine.” Or, you simply sit down with your enemy and ask for advice as in “You know, you understand me better than anyone else in the world. Could you give me some advice?” Even enemies find that hard to resist that when it is done right.

9. You have that power of command derived from having the strongest concentration. You take everything in considering all options without having to jump from one thought to another thought.

10. Again intent and action: you are skilled in defense and deflecting aggression. You are not taking control. You are neutralizing something.

When hostility is directed at you you have a way of simply vanishing so the aggression goes past you in search of something else to attack. Aikido practices this. Simply step out of the way at the last moment or in active listening—you reflect back the feelings and thoughts of the other without in any way being entangled or swayed by what is said.

11. A voice that commands the energies underlying nature. “Be still” and the raging storm calms. Or, Krishna—“I have already defeated all these armies,” for he is that for whom no fire can burn, no water drench, no spear pierce, etc.

Or, more widely known, Patton’s prayer for the weather to clear so Allied planes could help end the siege of Bastogne—“Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.”

The weather cleared. It was not the written or spoken words. It was the man who was speaking them, who had entered the world to solve problems no one else could solve.

12. William Blake—“Oh for a voice of thunder.” A voice of thunder as in Winston Churchill—“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

The voice of thunder is both totally receptive and totally dynamic possessing both the electric and magnetic, the masculine and feminine magical energies.

It is the Maccabees brothers defending Israel from Greece; Joan of Arc defending the king; Thomas Paine with his Common Sense and Thomas Jefferson—“We hold these truths to be self evident ….”

13. The voice of an emissary of ambassador who speaks on behalf of that which he represents. If you are deeply connected to an organization, a relationship, a nation, an idea, etc. then you are able to speak with its voice. The prophets did this declaring, “The voice of the Lord came unto me and said, ‘Go and …..’”

Julius Caesar did not always pull this off. One time in Gaul he said to a German commander on the border—“Rome will look upon you with favor if you comply with my requests.” And the German commander replied, “Members of the Roman Senate have already contacted me and offered me generous rewards if I kill you on their behalf.”

14. The voice or mystery of the Tetragrammaton or four planes and four element consciousness. It is seen very simply in the exercise where you grasp your one wrist with the other hand. Notice all you can of the sensations, pressure, warmth, texture, etc. Now without changing your grasp, notice how the sensations or/or feeling changes when you put into that touch the sense of “I love you with all of my heart.”

You are adding the astral to the physical and so another dimension of awareness is present. Performing art is not just getting up and singing with great technique. When some Irish or Scottish drunk sings, “Black is the color of my true love’s hair” he can really affect people’s emotions even though he may not have any capacity to actually love a woman due to alcohol and drug addiction. This I have seen. It is nice song though.

I used to search youtube for someone who could sing the song Silent Night with the feeling and awareness of the man who wrote the song. But alas.

Jewel does a fair job of Silent Night when performing live through sheer force of her instinctual energy.

Jewel lived in her car while traveling around the country doing street performances and gigs. Living in a car (this I know) before attaining success adds spice to your voice/life and puts you to the head of the line when it comes to singing about a child born in a barn or a part of a house where livestock was kept. In studio productions Jewel’s Silent Night is more technique and she seems to lose the archetypal dimension.

The Tetragrammaton voice adds in not just the astral to the physical performance. It has also a powerful mental and akashic or spirit level as in “without form or image” presence. The mental is like makes the “message” incredibly clear influencing the mind and not just the emotions. The akashic level adds an absolute certainty and guarantee about whatever is being presented so a hope is not just a hope and a dream is not just a dream. It is real right now in the mind of the performing artist.

I ask you to find one choir on earth--search the world up and down—so that when that choir sings the Hallelujah Chorus the “kingdom” spoken of is “real right now in the mind of the performing artists.” It just does not happen. When they take long lessons in training their “voice” to sing, they fail to include the tetragrammaton method.

If you sing Silent Night, try to add in the writer’s experience of looking out his window and seeing the moonlight on the snow, the presence of Christ as a child in the manger as if you are there, and beams of light from God’s holy face.

Perform with four levels and then you can sing the song as it was written to be sung.

15. The Voice of Silence/Stillness/the Void as in “a still, quiet voice” or the “Be still and know that I am God.” Again, search over seven billion people on earth. I know someone who can do this. She has built in neurological capacity to scan the entire human race screening for those with whatever traits you are looking for.

Look for someone who has found God within “an inner stillness.” Wait. Just a moment. Darn. Doesn’t that beat all? There is one I can sense. Ah, but I can’t really think of him as a Christian, as male or female, or even as a human being. He has gone over and become something greater than human.

If you are going sit in an ashram and chant “Om Namah Shivaya” and work with this petal of your throat chakra, expect Shiva to show up. But be prepared to explain why he has been called.

Arjuna wandered for five years in the Himalayan Mountains in search of Shiva. When Shiva appeared Arjuna already had his request—he wanted Pashupata, Shiva’s own preferred weapon. Shiva granted it to him. You will find that weapon hidden in one of the fiery petals of your third chakra, though I do not think any swami will speak of this to you. (start at 1:56)

The voice of silence is basically the Buddha thing—by being nothing you are a part of everything. It is the still center upon which all things turn.

16. The Voice of Uranus. This is the voice of one who is fully a part of this world’s reality and equally fully a part of a new world, a new civilization. He is active within and assists both. He fulfills both. And he unites both enabling the transition from one to the other.

Einstein—“Here is the formula describing the relation of matter and energy. You work out the details. I already live within this reality.”

For this voice, “All obstacles are overcome, all hindrances undone, all blocks removed, and all barriers run through.”

Or, as I sometimes say, “Some women you cannot love. Their love is too enchanting. You must either forget her as if you have never met or else go on a quest and become part of that realm from which she has come. Then you are one of them.”

Some people are like a door. They are here offering to us an entirely new way of life, the dawning of a new civilization. Best to forget them if you are not ready or willing. Or else walk through the door and become transformed.

The voice of Uranus:

Question: When shall war be no more?

Isaphil: When there shall appear on earth four or five in whom there is no fear; and whose souls are so clear that when malice, evil, or ill will draws near, these things dissolve as if they were never there.

When four or five shall remain in each generation, then your race shall awaken. The beauty of the stars and the seas and the mysteries shall appear within your dreams. These treasures of soul shall overflow, filling your world with light and healing.

Conclusion: We can of course approach the chakras in terms of a lineage, a tradition, a personal level of experience, an archetypal level, and/or a global or cosmic level. I am a spiritual anthropologist. You see me describing what human beings are capable of becoming.

Petals one through sixteen of the throat chakra are within each of us waiting to be activated. We are, after all, divine beings in training.

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