By William R. Mistele


       The Beatitudes


1. Blessed are those who trust, for they have entered the kingdom of heaven. 


2. Blessed are those who pass through their inner darkness without fear or shame, for they shall attain freedom.


3. Blessed are those who find the divine within themselves, for they shall create peace and justice shall fill the earth.  


4. Blessed are those who become one with another without hesitation or limitation, for what they dream shall come into being. 


5. Blessed are those whose minds are as clear and pure as the sky, for their peace shall be as a sea that has no shores and as a stream that flows from the dawn of time to the ends of eternity.


6. Blessed are those who transform conflict into harmony and malice into nobility, for they shall have the keys to the kingdom and nothing shall be hidden from them. 


7. Blessed are those who meet others in their darkest place and walk by their side back into the light--these are the sons and daughters of God—the children of light—for there is no greater or more sacred celebration of life.


8. Blessed are those who let go and flow as each moment unfolds, for they shall see through the eyes of God.